import WebMap from "@arcgis/core/WebMap";
const webmap = new WebMap({ portalItem: { // autocasts as new PortalItem() id: "e691172598f04ea8881cd2a4adaa45ba" } });
webmap.updateFrom(view) .then(function() { return webmap.save(); }) // thumbnail will be updated based on current extent of webmap .then(function(portalItem) { console.log("Saved to portal", portalItem.id); }) .catch(function(error) { console.error("Error saving to portal", error); });
map.updateFrom(view).then(function(){ map.saveAs(item) // Saved successfully .then(function(item) { // 设置存储位置 var itemPageUrl = item.portal.url + "/home/item.html?id=" + item.id; var link = '<a target="_blank" href="' + itemPageUrl + '">' + title.value + </a>"; //弹窗提示成功信息,并给出存储链接 statusMessage("Save WebMap", "<br>Successfully saved as <i>"+link + </i>" ); }) // Save didn't work correctly .catch(function(error) { //弹窗提示错误信息 statusMessage("Save WebMap", "<br> Error " + error); }); });
// Update properties of the WebScene related to the view. // This should be called just before saving a webscene. scene.updateFrom(view).then(() => { scene .saveAs(item) // Saved successfully .then((item) => { // link to the newly-created web scene item const itemPageUrl = item.portal.url + "/home/item.html?id=" + item.id; const link = '<a target="_blank" href="' + itemPageUrl + '">' + title.value + "</a>"; statusMessage("Save WebScene", "<br> Successfully saved as <i>" + link + "</i>"); }) // Save didn't work correctly .catch((error) => { statusMessage("Save WebScene", "<br> Error " + error); }); });
.then(function() {
return webmap.save();
// thumbnail will be updated based on current extent of webmap
.then(function(portalItem) {
console.log(“Saved to portal”, portalItem.id);
.catch(function(error) {
console.error(“Error saving to portal”, error);