Modification method
stay ~/.bashrc Add… Later
PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$'
Format specification
PS1 The definitions of the commonly used parameters are as follows :
: Representative date , The format is weekday month date, for example :“Mon Aug 1”\H
: Full host name\h
: Just take the first name of the host\t
: The display time is 24 Hour format , Such as :HH:MM:SS\T
: The display time is 12 Hour format\A
: The display time is 24 Hour format :HH:MM\u
: The account name of the current user\v
:BASH Version information for\w
: Full working directory name\W
: utilize basename Get the working directory name , So only the last directory will be listed\#
: The first orders\$
: Prompt character , If it is root when , The prompt is :# , The average user is :$
Color definition
PS1=’[[\e[ The font color ; Background color m] ’
The font color | background | Color |
30 | 40 | black |
31 | 41 | Red |
32 | 42 | green |
33 | 43 | yellow |
34 | 44 | Blue |
35 | 45 | Purplish red |
36 | 46 | Blue |
37 | 47 | white |
Common formats
- Purple font , Simple style
PS1='[\[\e[35;40m\]\u@\h \W]$ '
- tart
PS1=$'\\[\E[1m\E[34m\\]┌─[\\[\E[1m\E[32m\\]\\u@\h \\[\E[1m\E[33m\\]\\w\\[\E[1m\E[34m\\]]\n\\[\E[1m\E[34m\\]└──── pibigstar \\[\E[1m\E[33m\\]#\[\E[0;10m\\] '