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stay springboot Let the task be executed regularly
First add… To the entry class @EnableScheduling annotation
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Add… To the specified task method to be executed regularly @Scheduled annotation
public class ScheduledService {
/* second branch when Japan month Zhou
* corn An example of an expression in :0 * * * * *
* It means that every day, every hour, every minute of every month 0 In seconds
* */
@Scheduled(cron = "0-50 * * * * *")
public void scheduledHello(){
Write… In the notes cron The expression can meet the corresponding time requirements , For example, the example code indicates that for the first time in any minute 0 Second to the first 50 Every second will output “hello…”
cron expression
Cron expression Is a string , character string With 5 or 6 Space between , It is divided into 6 or 7 Domains , Each domain represents a meaning ,Cron There are two grammatical formats as follows :(1) second branch when date month The week of the week year
(2) second branch when date month The week of the week
Field | permitted | Special characters allowed |
second (Seconds) | 0~59 The integer of | , – * / |
branch (Minutes) | 0~59 The integer of | , – * / |
Hours (Hours) | 0~53 The integer of | , – * / |
date (DayofMonth) | 1~31 The integer of ( Pay attention to the days of the month ) | , – * / ? L W C |
month (Month) | 1~12 The integer of | , – * / |
week (DayofWeek) | 0-7 or SUN-SAT,0 and 7 yes SUN | , – * / ? L C # |
Special characters | meaning |
,( English comma ) | enumeration |
-( minus sign ) | Section |
* | arbitrarily |
/ | Interval step size |
? | Japan / Week conflict match |
L | Last |
W | Working day |
C | and calendar Calculated value after contact |
# | week ,4#2 It means the next Thursday |