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springboot Want to use spring security The module needs to import corresponding dependencies
stay pom Add some code to the file
Then write a simple configuration class SecurityConfiger This configuration class needs to inherit WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter This abstract class
/* Security configuration class */
@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)// Enable method security
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
And mark it @EnableWebSecurity annotation , Open this comment
@Import({WebSecurityConfiguration.class, SpringWebMvcImportSelector.class})
public @interface EnableWebSecurity {
boolean debug() default false;
You can see that it contains @Configuration Annotated , Indicates that this is a configuration class
Then we need to reload configure Methods to achieve the results we want
Method | describe |
configure(WebSecurity webSecurity) | By overloading , To configure SpringSecurity Of Filter chain |
configure(HttpSecurity http) | By overloading , Configure how to protect requests through interceptors |
configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) | By overloading , To configure userdetail service |
All of the above methods need not be overloaded , It only needs to be overloaded according to specific requirements , Here’s an example of overloading :
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/css/**","/fonts/**","/js/**","/index").permitAll()// Allow access to static files
.antMatchers("/admins/**").hasRole("ADMIN")// You have a role to access
.formLogin()// be based on form Form login validation Go to /login page
.loginPage("/login").failureUrl("/login-error")// Customize login interface and failure interface
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
auth.inMemoryAuthentication()// Authentication information is stored in memory
That’s all springboot Integrate spring security A simple configuration class of , It is configured to access static files , Permission settings for some specific pages , And login authentication , The login page , Login failed configuration ; And configuration for the production environment , take User Information is stored in memory