• 周二. 2 月 11th, 2025




Common data types and basic commands of redis

King Wang

1 月 3, 2022
Redis Six types of data
data type Data type stored value explain
STRING ( character string ) It can be a save string 、 Integers and floating point numbers You can manipulate strings , For example, add characters or substring ; Integers 、 Floating point numbers and so on can be used to calculate self increment
LIST( list ) It’s a linked list , Each of its nodes contains a string Supports inserting and ejecting nodes from both ends of the list , Can be cropped by offset , Can read one or more nodes , You can delete or find nodes according to conditions
SET( aggregate ) It’s an unordered set , Every element in it is a string , And it doesn’t repeat . You can add 、 Read 、 Delete single element ; Check whether the element is in the collection ; Calculate the set of intersection and union differences ; Elements can be read randomly from the collection
HASH( Hash hash hash table ) Be similar to java Medium  Map, Is an unordered list of key value pairs You can add, delete, or modify a single key value pair , All key value pairs can be obtained
ZSET( Ordered set )SortedSet An orderly collection , Can contain string 、 Integers 、 Floating point numbers 、 The score is 、 The order of elements is determined by the score You can add, delete, and modify elements , Get the corresponding elements according to the range or members of the score
HyperLogLog( base )( Not commonly used ) Calculate the value of repetition , To determine the amount of storage

Only Radix operations are provided , No return function

String Some basic command operations

command explain remarks
set key value Set key value pairs such as :set k1 v1 Set a pair of keys to k1 The value is v1 The key/value pair
get key Get value by key such as :get k1  Indicates that the get key is k1 Value , If not, it shows (nil) Said is empty
del key Delete key value pairs by key such as :del k1 Indicates that the delete key is k1 The key/value pair ; Other data types can also be used , Will return the number of deletions
strlen key     return key The string length of the corresponding value such as : about k1:value Then return to 5
getset key value Modify the original key Corresponding value , And return the original value If the original value is empty , It returns null , And set the new value
getrange key start end Get substring String length is len, from 0 Start ,start and end The value range of is 0~len-1
append key value New string value Will be added to key The end of the corresponding value return key The new string length of the corresponding value

Numeric strings can be used for simple operations

incr key Add… To the original value 1 The operation field must be an integer
incrby key increment Add an integer… To the original value increment The operation field must be an integer
decr key Subtract… From the original value 1 The operation field must be an integer
decrby key increment Subtract the whole number from the original value increment The operation field must be an integer
incrbyfloat key increment Add floating-point numbers to the original values increment The operation field must be an integer or floating point number


command explain remarks
lpush key node1[node2…] Node node1 Add the leftmost part of the list If the order of joining is 1,2,…n Then the chain list is from left to right n…2,1
rpush key node1[node2..] Node node1 Add the right most side of the list If the order of joining is 1,2,…n Then the chain list is from left to right 1,2,…n
lindex key index Read subscript as index The node of Returns the node string , Subscript from 0 Start
llen key Find the length of the list Return the number of nodes in the list
lpop key Pop up the node from the left side of the list Return to node , And delete the original node in the list
rpop key Pop up the node from the right side of the list Return to node , And delete the original node in the list
linsert key befor|after pivot node The value is pivot The node of front | after Insert node node if key If it doesn’t exist, it’s wrong , There is no counterpart pivot Then return to -1
lpushx key node If exist key Linked list , Insert… On the left node If key The list does not exist , The failure
rpushx key node If exist key Linked list , Insert… On the right node If key The list does not exist , The failure
lrang key start end  Get the list from start To end Node value contain start and end The value of the subscript
lrem key count value

if count by 0, Delete all values equal to value The node of ;

If count Not for 0, First of all count Take the absolute value from left to right

Delete no more than count One is equal to value The node of

count Must be an integer , If it is negative, it will take absolute value first
lset key index node Set the subscript of the list to index The node value of is node  
ltrim key start stop Keep only from start To stop The node of , Delete the rest contain start and stop The subscript node of

list The blocking order of

command   explain remarks
blpop key timeout

Move out and get the leftmost element of the list ;

If the list has no elements, it will block until the wait timeout or pop-up elements are found

be relative to lpop command , Its operation is process safe
brpop key timeout

Move out and get the rightmost element of the list ;

If the list has no elements, it will block until the wait timeout or pop-up elements are found

be relative to rpop command , Its operation is process safe
rpoplpush key src dest Remove and insert the rightmost element of the list to the leftmost Cannot set timeout
brpoplpush key src timeout

Remove the rightmost element of the list and insert it to the leftmost edge

Timeout can be set


command explain remarks
sadd key member1[member2..] The key is key Add members to the collection of You can add more than one
scard key The statistical key is key The number of members of the collection Return the number
sdiff key1[key2] Find the difference between two sets If only key1 Then return to the whole key1
sdiffstore des key1[key2] Find out the difference set storage of two sets des in
sinter key1[key2] Find the intersection of two sets If only key1 Then return to the whole key1
sinterstore des key1[key2] Find the intersection of two sets and store them in des in

sismember key member Judge member Is it key Members of the assembly If it’s a return 1, Otherwise return to 0
smembers key Return all members of the collection If the data is too large , We need to consider the problem of iterative traversal
smove src des member Will members member From the collection src Move to collection des in
spop key Randomly pop up a member of the collection Random pop up
srandmember key [count] return count Members count Integers , If it is negative, it will take absolute value first
srem key member1[member2] Remove members from collection , You can remove more than one
sunion key1[key2]  Find the union of two sets If only key1 Then return to the whole key1
sunionstore des key1 key2 Find the union of two sets and store them in des in

ZSet Is ordered , The main difference between unordered sets and unordered sets is that each element, in addition to its value , There will be another score , Sort the size of the scores

Hash The value corresponding to one key is multiple key value pairs , Often used to represent an object

For example, one User class , Then the key is user, The corresponding key value pair is {“id”:1,”username”: Zhang San }

command explain remarks
hdel key field1 [field2…] Delete hash One of the structures ( some ) Field Multiple fields can be deleted
hexists key field Judge hash Is there… In the structure field Field There is returned 1, Otherwise return to 0
hgetall key Get all keys as key The corresponding key value pairs of Return keys and values
hincrby key field increment Assign to hash Add an integer… To a field in the structure increment The field is expected to be an integer string
hincrbyfloat key field increment Assign to hash Add a floating-point number to a field in the structure increment The field is expected to be a numeric string
hkeys key return hash All key value pairs in the key In the example id,username
hlen key return hash Number of key value pairs in In the example is 2
hmget key field1[field2…] return hash The value of the key specified in , It can be more than one Return values in turn
hmset key field1 value1[field2 value2…] Yes hash Structure sets multiple key value pairs In the example [id 1] For a key value pair
hset key field value stay hash Set key value pairs in the structure Set a single key value pair
hsetnx key field value When hash When there is no corresponding key in the structure , Set the value If it exists, the original value will not be modified
hvals key obtain hash All the values in the structure

The example returns “id” 1,”username” ” Zhang San ”
