Environmental Science :mybatis edition 3.4.5
mysql Database driven version :5.1.6
MyBatis Source code :
A single query result (select * from t_user where id = ?
)SQL Implementation method chain tracking process
Got mapper It’s a dynamic proxy object , yes MapperProxy
type :
UserDao mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserDao.class);
User user = mapper.findById(2);
So the execution entry can be from org.apache.ibatis.binding.MapperProxy#invoke
Start tracking , Here are the layers of depth , View the method call chain of the execution process , The design patterns involved are : A dynamic proxy 、 Decorator mode 、 The chain of responsibility model (XXXHandler In class )、 Command mode ;
At the bottom is the call JDBC The execution code of , We can trace connection That’s what you know mysql In the drive bag com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection
type , This is also the database driver using the decorator pattern Connection Instance object of interface .
>new org.apache.ibatis.executor.statement.RoutingStatementHandler Packed a PreparedStatementHandler
>org.apache.ibatis.executor.SimpleExecutor#prepareStatement The bottom is JDBC
>java.sql.PreparedStatement#execute The method is JDBC Of , Can execute any SQL sentence
Logic after execution :
Compared with spring for ,mybatis Source code looks very comfortable , We’ll add a graphic description later , To make it clearer 、 More detailed module angle sharing .