1. export dump file
1.1 obtain PID( Two ways )
You can use the task manager to get
You can also use jconsole Indirect acquisition
stay jdk Of bin In the directory jconsole.exe Execution can be
If you don’t see the local process 、 There may be a problem with file permissions
solve :
First through local java Code runs :
View the propertiesjava.io.tmpdir
notes : here %USER% Represents the operating system user name for the variable
Enter this directory , See a hsperfdata_%USER% Catalog , Enter this directory
1.2 Use jmap export dump file
- Get into jdk / bin Catalog
jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap.dump <pid>
The current directory will generate heap.dump file
see JVM The number of instances of classes in memory and the amount of memory consumed
- start-up jvisualvm
- Import dump file
- Select file type and file
- Look at the number of examples 、 size 、 Retain ( Check for memory leaks )
- PS Reserved fields need to be configured