• 周六. 10 月 5th, 2024




Explanation of static keyword in Java

King Wang

1 月 3, 2022

List of articles

        • 1.Static Variable
        • 2.Static Method
        • 3.Static import Statement
        • 4.Static Block
        • 5.Static Class
        • 6.Summary

1.Static Variable

Use static Keyword to declare a static variable , The format is as follows :

 Access right static data type Variable name

for example : Declare a static variable of integral type

public static Integer staticVar;

By static The decorated variable belongs to a class , This means that it can only have one copy of the variable at run time .

When you define a static variable in a class , Each instance of the class has access to the copy . Individual instances of classes do not have their own local copies , Just as they do with non static variables .

public class JavaStaticExample

public static void main(String[] args)

DataObject objOne = new DataObject();
objOne.staticVar = 10;
objOne.nonStaticVar = 20;
DataObject objTwo = new DataObject();
System.out.println(objTwo.staticVar); //10
System.out.println(objTwo.nonStaticVar); //null
DataObject.staticVar = 30; //Direct Access
System.out.println(objOne.staticVar); //30
System.out.println(objTwo.staticVar); //30
class DataObject {

public static Integer staticVar;
public Integer nonStaticVar;

Output is :


Above , Make the static variable value more 30, The output values are also 30.

in addition , You can also find access to static variables , There is no need to create any instances , This shows that static Variables belong to class scope .

2.Static Method

Declaration format :

 Access right static Return type Method name

for example , One Integer Type of public static Variable of type

public static Integer staticVar;
public static Integer getStaticVar(){

return staticVar;

Be careful :

  1. Only static variables in static methods can be accessed , If you try to access a non static variable , The compiler will report an error :

    Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field nonStaticVar“.

  2. Static methods can be accessed through class references , There is no need to create an instance of a class , Although you can also use instance references to access , But access through class references , But compared to accessing through class references , There is no difference between the two .

  3. Static methods belong to class scope

public class JavaStaticExample

public static void main(String[] args)

DataObject.staticVar = 30; // Direct access 
Integer value1 = DataObject.getStaticVar(); // Access through class 
DataObject objOne = new DataObject();
Integer value2 = objOne.getStaticVar(); // Access through class instances 
class DataObject

public Integer nonStaticVar;
public static Integer staticVar; // Static variables 
public static Integer getStaticVar(){

return staticVar;
Output :

3.Static import Statement

The normal import declaration imports classes from the package , So you can use them without package references . Similarly , Static import declaration imports static members from a class , And allow them to be used without class references .

There are also two forms of static import statements : Single static import and static on demand import .

A single static import declaration imports a static member from a type . The static on demand import declaration imports all static members of a type .

//Single-static-import declaration: Single import 
import static <<package name>>.<<type name>>.<<static member name>>;
//Static-import-on-demand declaration: Import all 
import static <<package name>>.<<type name>>.*;
// Static import declaration 
import static java.lang.System.out;
public class JavaStaticExample

public static void main(String[] args)

DataObject.staticVar = 30;
class DataObject

public static Integer staticVar;
Output :

4.Static Block

Static blocks are part of class initialization , use static Keyword encapsulation

public class Main {

//static initializer
static {

System.out.println("Inside static initializer");

Static blocks are executed when a class is loaded into memory , A class can have multiple static blocks , These static blocks are executed in order as defined in the class .

import static java.lang.System.out;
class DataObject

public Integer nonStaticVar;
public static Integer staticVar; //static variable
//It will be executed first
static {

staticVar = 40;
//nonStaticVar = 20; // Cannot manipulate non static members 
//It will be executed second
static {

Output :

5.Static Class

stay Java in , You can use static classes as inner classes . Like other static members , Nested classes belong to class scope , So you can access internal static classes without external class objects .

public class JavaStaticExample

public static void main(String[] args)

//Static inner class example
System.out.println( DataObject.StaticInnerClas.innerStaticVar );
class DataObject

public Integer nonStaticVar;
public static Integer staticVar; //static variable
static class StaticInnerClas {

Integer innerNonStaticVar = 60;
static Integer innerStaticVar = 70; //static variable inside inner class

Static inner classes cannot access non static members of outer classes . It can only access static members of external classes .

public class JavaStaticExample

public static void main(String[] args)

class DataObject

public Integer nonStaticVar;
public static Integer staticVar; //static variable
static {

staticVar = 40;
//nonStaticVar = 20; //Not possible to access non-static members
public static Integer getStaticVar(){

return staticVar;
static class StaticInnerClas

public static void accessOuterClass()

System.out.println(DataObject.staticVar); //static variable of outer class
System.out.println(DataObject.getStaticVar()); //static method of outer class
Output :


About static The key words are summarized as follows :

  • static Members belong to a class , You don’t need to create a class instance to access static member
  • Static members ( Variables and methods ) Can only be accessed in static methods and static blocks .
  • Non static members cannot be in static methods , Blocks and inner classes
  • A class can have multiple static blocks , Execute in the order defined in the class
  • A class can be static only if it is an inner class in an outer class
  • Static import can be used to import all static members of a class , These members can be referenced without any class references
