Today, a friend chatted with me and said that the author has not written an article for two days , What did they do ? I replied helplessly that I was maven It’s autistic . What kind of problem did it take me so long to solve it ? This article tells you .
One 、 What I want to do
The writer has been looking at Hotspot Provided tools Package source code , And tried to transform and expand , Finally, Xiaoyou accomplished the first version of virtual machine monitoring API:vmconsole, This is not the point , The point is at the back . I beat it to jar package , And want to share , Let other developers use , The first thing I think about is Maven, If I post it to Maven The warehouse is OK ? So I began to climb the pit road .
I’m here to make a pre advertisement for my work , Welcome the majority of programming enthusiasts to use and provide comments and suggestions , At the same time, I hope to be encouraged by your little star O(∩_∩)O, There will also be a special article to introduce the work .
JVM Virtual machine monitoring API:VmConsole-Api
- Github:
Two 、 Problems encountered
This is the first time the author has published his project to Maven Warehouse , The steps are not clear , So I’m all kinds of Google Baidu , If you can’t solve the problem, ask someone else for help , Simple problems are solved successfully , But the most critical problem is finally solved by ourselves , Next, I’ll throw out the problems I’ve encountered , The answer and the solution will be given later .
- To which Maven Warehouse ?
Maven The information and configuration of the project is provided by pom.xml To store , It contains project information 、 Developer Information 、 rely on 、 Plug-ins, etc. , If you want to get something developed by someone else or an organization jar package , Then we should introduce what we are familiar with rely on 了 , Dependencies need to be downloaded from the repository , The download process is as follows :
- Search the local warehouse , If there is a dependency, return success , Otherwise, go to the next step ;
- Search private warehouses , If there is a dependency, return success , Otherwise, go to the next step ;
- Search the central warehouse , If there is a dependency, return success , Otherwise return to failure .
The local repository is on every developer’s computer , Generally in c:/user/.m
File directory ; Private warehouses are warehouses built by individuals or organizations , It needs to be on the whole settings.xml Configure the warehouse address in ; The central warehouse is the whole thing Maven The core warehouse of storage , All the resources are available for developers . Then the problem is solved , In order to make it easy for developers to get the dependency , I need to put jar The package is released to the central warehouse .
- How to make a non Maven Project release to central warehouse ?
This problem is the main problem encountered by the author , My project is not Maven project , A lot of online tutorials are all Maven project How to publish to central warehouse , If mine is Maven The project is not as busy as this , My project is right and wrong Maven project , A pure Java Of , It also includes jdk Of jar package , It is because jdk These are provided jar Wrapped in Maven There is no , So I can’t change my project to Maven project , Many of these classes have to rely on these jar package . So the question now is How to pack up already jar The package is released to the central warehouse .
I’ll give you a brief account of what I’ve done , The complete steps are given below , This is the only way that I have thought of so far , If the reader has a better way , I hope you can contact me , I also learn to learn . It still needs to be transferred to the central warehouse Maven project , So I built an empty one Maven project , And then jar The package is installed in the local warehouse first , In this empty Maven Introduce this jar Local dependence on , And then pom Middle configuration assembly The plug-in merges dependency packages into a single jar After Bao ran released ( The inspiration comes from Springboot, because Springboot Of Maven This plug-in is configured in the project ), Finally, publish the whole project to nexus in ( Warehouse Management Center ), When introducing dependencies, you can’t simply introduce this project , It’s the one that was incorporated into the project jar, Configure… In dependencies classifier that will do .
3、 … and 、 Complete steps
Next I’ll post my complete steps , The code part is a bit long , The purpose of posting code is to make it convenient for people who encounter the same situation to paste and copy the content , The reader may skip , Just look at words or pictures .
1. register sonatype Account and create issue
The first thing you need to do is Registered account ,Sonatype adopt JIRA To manage OSSRH Warehouse .
Need to fill in Email, Full Name, Username as well as password, among Username And Password The following steps are required , Please write down , You need to use .
Create a issue
- Project: Project defaults , My choice is :Community Support – Open Source Project Repository Hosting (OSSRH)
- IssueType: The default value is x, My choice is :New Project
- Summary: explain , Please introduce the project
- GroupId: project id, According to your domain name , The first time I made a mistake here , Such as my github yes, that groupId Namely com.github.tzfun.
- ProjectURL: Visit the project URL, What I’m writing is github The address of this project in .
- SCMurl: Visit the project URL, What I’m writing is github Warehouse address .
- Fill in the rest according to the prompts
When you’re done, submit , In the middle, you may have filled in issue There will be problems. , Need to communicate with customer service , Finally, the following reply shows that it has been successfully created . Now you can go to nexus Project uploaded in
2. Install and configure GPG
Publish to Maven All files in the repository are to be used GPG Signature , To ensure integrity . without GPG The previous project cannot be published to the central warehouse , In the rear close Stage Will be stopped .
IOS Please download the system GPG Suite:
Windows Please download the system gpg4win:
Once installed, you can generate the secret key through the graphical interface , It can also be generated from the command line , Graphical interface operation is simple and easy to understand, do not demonstrate , Here’s a demonstration of the command line :
- Generate key pair :
gpg --gen-key
, This process will let you enter your user name and password , Just fill in the user name , Please remember the password , Because the password will be entered every time the deployment is released ; - View public key id:
gpg --list-keys
, The next step is to use ; - Public key id Publish to GPG Secret key server :
gpg--keyserver hkp:// --send-keys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
, Suppose my public key id yes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; - Check whether the sending is successful :
gpg --keyserverhkp:// --recv-keys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
, The release is successful. This step is completed .
3.Maven Global configuration
stay Maven Go out and look for settings.xml
The configuration file is in apache-maven-3.5.3\conf Under the table of contents , Open it and find servers label , Add a service , there id Used to uniquely identify server, It will be used in later configuration and deployment , The user name and password you registered in the first step sonatype Account and password . Because it’s clear text , So please take care of it ! It’s not a problem for someone else to get rid of it .
4. project pom.xml To configure
My approach is different from a lot of online tutorials in this step , The most critical configuration is also in this step .
If you are one Maven project , So just need to be in the project you’re writing pom.xml Just configure it ,Maven The dependency will not be packaged when the package is uploaded , Just package your project code and upload it , These dependencies are all through your pom File to record , After others introduce your dependence Maven According to you pom To download the relevant package . So in the final analysis, deploy this step You just package your project as jar And upload it to the warehouse , Dependent jar It’s not going to be uploaded !
If you are a pure Java project , There are some dependencies, only class Bytecode files or whatever jar package ( The library you need is in Maven Can’t find… In the warehouse , But there are related bytecode files or jar package ), Can’t change your project to Maven project , It is the same as the author , The specific operation is as follows .
- Create a new Maven project , There’s no need to write any code , You don’t need to create any classes , Just configure pom Project information in 、 The author information 、 Open source protocol, etc .
<!-- organization Id、 project Id、 Version number -->
<!-- Project description -->
<description>An API that makes it easy to monitor virtual machines</description>
<!-- Open source licenses -->
<name>Apache 2</name>
<comments>A business-friendly OSS license</comments>
<!-- Project address , Here I fill in github -->
<!-- Coding format -->
<!-- Developer Information -->
<email>[email protected]</email>
Install your dependencies into the local repository :
If you have some class Bytecode files need to be typed jar package , It’s simple , Use any compression tool , Compress your dependency projects into zip Format , Note that it must be zip, because zip Compression format and jar The format is the same , After packing, change the suffix name to jar that will do .
If you’re just some jar package , No, “ In bulk ” Of class Bytecode file , Then you can go directly to the next step .
use Maven The order is coming jar Package installation to local warehouse , The order is as follows :
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=D:\vmconsoel-api.jar -DgroupId=com.github.tzfun -DartifactId=vmconsole-local -Dversion=1.0.0 -Dpackaging=jar
- – DgroupId and DartifactId Constitute the jar Wrapped in pom.xml Coordinates of , Corresponding to dependent DgroupId and DartifactId
- – Dfile Indicates that you need to upload jar The absolute path of the package
- – Dversion Version number
- – Dpackaging For the type of installation file , Here is jar
stay pom Add a local warehouse dependency to
After the successful implementation, the local warehouse will have just that project , Next, add this dependency to pom In file , there groupId、artifactId as well as version Consistent with the content of the above command .
- Configure the release plug-in and repository address .
Generally, only three plug-ins are needed , But here I add one more assembly plug-in unit . If you are Maven project , There is no need to package and upload many dependencies together ( adopt pom Can download dependency , There’s no need to put the documents in the warehouse ), So you can’t do without this plug-in , Annotate the plug-in . If you’re like me, it’s not Maven project , Then you need to add this plug-in , Its role is to put all the dependencies jar The packages merge into one jar package .
Because this part of the content is more, so I will my whole pom.xml Post it together , Readers who don’t care here can skip to the following .
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- organization Id、 project Id、 Version number -->
<!-- Project description -->
<description>An API that makes it easy to monitor virtual machines</description>
<!-- Open source licenses -->
<name>Apache 2</name>
<comments>A business-friendly OSS license</comments>
<!-- Project address , Here I fill in github -->
<!-- Coding format -->
<!-- Developer Information -->
<email>[email protected]</email>
<!-- rely on -->
<id>release</id> <!-- Deployment needs to use -->
<!-- Package other dependencies into a jar Plug in for -->
<!-- Javadoc -->
<!-- GPG -->
5. Publish to nexus
Next stay pom.xml Under the table of contents Carry out orders :
mvn clean deploy -P release
among release It’s not an order , It’s your pom Configured in the file profile id. stay build You need to enter gpg Password , Enter the first 2 Step Install and configure GPG When the password can be .
6. Go to nexus management
Log in to the warehouse management website nexus:, The user name and password here is the first step sonatype Account and password .
Select the item you uploaded , And then first close, After about half a minute, if it works Release The button will light up , Click again Release button . Be careful close and Release All processes have corresponding verification rules , All must be met to pass , There is no problem following the above steps , If in the first place 4、5 Ministry use deploy-file Order to upload jar So close The process can fail , because close In the process javadoc、source、gpg One of the three is indispensable .
If Release Waiting after success is almost 2 You can search your projects in the central warehouse within hours , Address :
7. Add dependencies to your project
If you were Maven Project, then the dependency code provided by the warehouse can be successfully introduced . If you’re like me, you’ve been wrong from the beginning Maven project , So the dependency you search for is really your project , But the introduction doesn’t work , Because there is no choice classifier, Go into your project and look at the content of the project, and you can see that there are several jar package , You need to choose which one to introduce , For example, here is the following code .
Four 、 summary
It’s hard to control a tool without understanding how it works , And I didn’t know this time Maven In the case of the release process, we will start to move from place to place , So a lot of time was wasted . In the middle, I tried every possible operation , such as deploy-file、 Decompile the whole jar Package upload 、 To other private clouds (aliyun)、 Command line simulation pom wait , In the end, we have to understand its operation mechanism , The author has read in detail Maven And then we learned about Maven Several life cycles of , Finally, with the plug-in writing method of other frameworks to solve this problem . Once again verified a sentence : A swordsman without an internal skill foundation can’t practice a good sword . Programming best reflects the importance of Foundation , Only by understanding the operating mechanism of a computer or language can we integrate it .
The author also established his own official account. , I usually share some programming knowledge , Welcome everyone to support ~
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