• 周六. 10 月 12th, 2024




Spring learning (1) — Introduction to spring framework / IOC thought and di / annotation based inje

King Wang

1 月 3, 2022

Spring Study ( One )—Spring Framwork introduction /IoC Thought and DI/ Annotation based injection

1. Spring Framwork introduction

2002 year ,Rod Johnson For the first time Spring Framwork The forerunner of Interface21.2003 year ,Spring Framwork The company uses Interface21 Based on , Redesigned and released Spring Framwork Of 1.0 Official version .

​ It is worth mentioning that Rod Johnson It’s not just software development , He also got A doctorate in Musicology .

Let’s see Spring Its official website https://spring.io/, This painting style can be said to be a very big artist .I like it~
 Insert picture description here
​ On the official website Projects Can be found in Spring Framework, Click to enter , You can see right now Spring Framework It has been updated to 5.1.8 edition , Considering that the new version is generally not very stable , Choose here 4.3.9 Version to learn (emmmm… In fact, the teacher recommended this version , Probably because this version is widely used in enterprises ).
Official reference documents are attached https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.3.9.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/
Git Escrow address :https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework
 Insert picture description here
​ Now? , Start learning formally ~

​ First , Let’s first study ,Spring Framwork What is it ? That’s what the official documents say ,Spring Framework It’s a Java platform , For development Java Applications provide comprehensive infrastructure support .

​ Spring Framework It’s a layered architecture , from 7 Well defined modules make up . form Spring Every module of the framework ( Or component ) Can exist alone , Or in combination with one or more other modules . Insert picture description here
​ The functions of each module are as follows :

  • Spring Modules are built in the core container Spring Core above , The core container defines the creation of 、 Configure and manage bean The way . The main components of the core container are BeanFactory, It’s the implementation of the factory model .BeanFactory Use Inversion of control (IOC) Pattern Separate application configuration and dependency specifications from the actual application code .
  • Spring Context Is a profile , towards Spring The framework provides context information .Spring Context includes enterprise services , for example JNDI、EJB、 E-mail 、 internationalization 、 Check and dispatch function .
  • Spring AOP: Through configuration management features ,Spring AOP Module directly integrates aspect oriented programming functions into Spring In the frame . therefore , It’s easy to make Spring Any object support for framework management AOP.Spring AOP The module is based on Spring Objects in the application provide transaction management services . By using Spring AOP, Don’t rely on EJB Components , You can integrate declarative transaction management into your application .
  • Spring DAO:JDBC DAO The abstraction layer provides meaningful Exception hierarchy , This structure can be used to Manage exception handling and error messages thrown by different database vendors . Exception hierarchy Simplified error handling , And greatly reduces the number of exception code to be written ( For example, opening and closing the connection ).Spring DAO Face of JDBC The exception of follows the general DAO Exception hierarchy .
  • Spring ORM:Spring The frame inserts several ORM frame , Thus providing ORM Object relation tools , These include JDO、Hibernate and iBatis SQL Map. All of this follows Spring General affairs and DAO Exception hierarchy .
  • Spring Web modular :Web The context module is built on top of the application context module , Based on Web The application provides context . therefore ,Spring Framework support and Jakarta Struts Integration of .Web The module also simplifies the processing of multipart requests and binding request parameters to domain objects .
  • Spring MVC frame :Spring MVC (Model View Controller) Framework is a full-featured construction Web Application’s MVC Realization . Through the strategic interface ,MVC The frame becomes highly configurable ,MVC It contains a lot of view technology , These include JSP、Velocity、Tiles、iText and POI.

​ Most people are learning Spring Before , It should have been learned Mybatis, Take a look back. Mybatis What has been done for us ? Just to summarize ,MyBatis Through simple xml To configure Avoided Almost all JDBC Code and Manual setting of parameters , It can make Dao The layer focuses on the operation of the database , Focus on SQL Statement writing , get SQL Query results of . So next , Let’s see. Spring What can be done for us ?

​ The official document says , As an application developer , You can learn from Spring The following is an example of a platform that benefits :1. send Java Method is executed in a database transaction , You don’t have to deal with the business API.2. Make local Java The method becomes HTTP Endpoint , There’s no need to deal with Servlet API.3. Make local Java Method becomes a message handler , There’s no need to deal with JMS API.4. Make local Java Methods become management operations , There’s no need to deal with JMX API.

​ In short ,Spring It’s a lightweight implementation of inversion of control IoC And face the facet AOP Framework .

​ that , What is? IoC and AOP Well ?

​ By the most primitive way of development Monomer application Speaking of : Here to operate the database user Form as background , We have to come from pojo Layers start to develop .

​ pojo layer : Write entity class corresponding to database User

package com.hooi.pojo;
public class User {

private String userName;
public User() {

public User(String userName) {

this.userName = userName;
public String getUserName() {

return userName;
public void setUserName(String userName) {

this.userName = userName;

​ dao layer : To write UserDao Interface ( Abstract method of adding, deleting, modifying and searching ) and UserDaoImpl Implementation class ( The concrete realization of adding, deleting, modifying and searching )

package com.hooi.dao;
public interface UserDao {

// Get user information 
public abstract void getUserInfo();
package com.hooi.dao.Impl;
import com.hooi.dao.UserDao;
public class UserDaoMysqlImpl implements UserDao {

public void getUserInfo() {

System.out.println(" obtain MySQL User information ");

​ Service layer : To write UserService Business interface ( And dao The method of layer corresponds to ) and UserServiceImpl Implementation class ( Implement business interface ), Implementation classes need to hold and dao Reference to the implementation class corresponding to the layer , Only then can we make Service Layers pass through Dao The implementation class of the layer calls the corresponding database operation method required by the business .

package com.hooi.service;
public interface UserService {

// Get user information 
public abstract void getUserInfo();
package com.hooi.service;
import com.hooi.dao.UserDao;
public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {

private UserDao userDao = new UserDaoMySqlImpl();//Dao Layer implementation class reference 
// Get user information 
public void getUserInfo() {

userDao.getUserInfo();// adopt Dao The instance of the layer implementation class calls the corresponding method 

​ Servlet layer : The business layer implements the class method to process the user request from the front end .

UserServiceImpl service = new UserServiceImpl();

​ If dao Layer wants to develop a new UserDao Implementation class , for instance UserDaoOracleImpl. Then the corresponding should be modified Service Layer implementation class holds Dao Implementation class reference private UserDao userDao = new UserDaoOracleImpl();. If dao There are many implementation classes for layer extension ? Although for Servlet Layer , What to do ( The corresponding parameters are passed and called ) It doesn’t change , But in Service level , Programmers will need to do a lot of code modification and maintenance work . The requirements of the client are sent back by the front end ,servlet The layer can determine what is needed when processing the request UserDao Implementation class , But left a lot of work to Service Layer to deal with , And that leads to Service Layers can’t just focus on business processing , Contrary to the idea of decoupling . Let’s think about it , How to let the front end choose to use dao Which implementation class of the layer , Give Way Service The layer no longer manages the creation of related objects ? With the idea of encapsulation and interface oriented programming , We can do it in Service Stratification Servlet Layer leaves an interface ,Service Layer when using an implementation class , Not to create it , Instead, it refers to the interface implemented by the implementation class .UserServiceImpl Class can be modified to :

package com.hooi.service;
import com.hooi.dao.UserDao;
public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {

private UserDao userDao;// Encapsulate the implementation class with an interface 
public UserServiceImpl() {

public UserServiceImpl(UserDao userDao) {

this.userDao = userDao;
public void setUserDao(UserDao userDao) {

this.userDao = userDao;
public void getUserInfo() {


​ The concrete implementation class of the interface is defined by Servlet Layers pass through the corresponding set Method to set , No matter how the requirements of the front end change ,Service Layers don’t need a lot of code changes , Just focus on the business . and Servlet The operation of the layer only adds the steps of creating related objects .

package com.hooi.service;
import com.hooi.dao.Impl.UserDaoMysqlImpl;
import com.hooi.dao.Impl.UserDaoOracleImpl;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
public class ServiceTest {
public void getUserInfo(){
UserServiceImpl service = new UserServiceImpl();
// If the front end needs Oracle User data for , stay servlet Layer for UserServiceImpl Set the corresponding implementation class properties
service.setUserDao(new UserDaoOracleImpl());
// If the front end needs Mysql User data for , stay servlet Layer for UserServiceImpl Set the corresponding implementation class properties
service.setUserDao(new UserDaoMysqlImpl());

​ however , even so , When we need to use another object in one object , We still need to get it , It needs to be destroyed after use ( such as Connection etc. ), These objects are always coupled to other interfaces or classes . imagine , If there’s a container that can Specifically responsible for managing the life cycle of objects and relationships between objects , When we want to use an object , The whole process is no longer under our own control , It’s done by this container , If the object the container gives us doesn’t meet our needs , We just throw an exception . and Spring The same is true of the development mode advocated by the government , Creation of all classes 、 Destroyed by Spring To control , It is no longer the object that references it that controls the life cycle of an object , It is Spring. For a specific object , It used to control the creation of other objects , And now all the objects are Spring control , Our programs have become more Highly configurable and dynamic , This is it. Spring The core idea of IoC(Inversion of Control), Inversion of control .

02 IoC and DI

IoC Depend on DI(Dependency Injection, Dependency injection ) Realization .

First , We use Spring The framework changes the above case . Use Spring The framework must be imported first jar package .


here pojo The layer still uses the above User Entity class ,Dao and Service Layer code remains unchanged . Next we need to write Spring Configuration file for . stay resources Create under directory applicationContext.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">
<!--User object -->
<bean id="user" class="com.hooi.pojo.User">
<property name="userName" value="hooi"/>
<!--UserDaoMysqlImpl object -->
<bean id="userDaoMysqlImpl" class="com.hooi.dao.Impl.UserDaoMysqlImpl"/>
<!--UserDaoOracleImpl object -->
<bean id="userDaoOracleImpl" class="com.hooi.dao.Impl.UserDaoOracleImpl"/>
<bean id="userServiceMysqlImpl" class="com.hooi.service.UserServiceImpl">
<property name="userDao" ref="userDaoMysqlImpl"/>
<bean id="userServiceOracleImpl" class="com.hooi.service.UserServiceImpl">
<property name="userDao" ref="userDaoOracleImpl"/>

Use junit To test :

public void _getUserInfo(){

// adopt ClassPathXmlApplicationContext Enter the corresponding xml File to get the object you want 
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
UserServiceImpl userServiceMysqlImpl = (UserServiceImpl) context.getBean("userServiceMysqlImpl");
UserServiceImpl userServiceOracleImpl = (UserServiceImpl) context.getBean("userServiceOracleImpl");

test result :
 Insert picture description here
Use Spring after , We don’t need to go again Servlet Layers or Service Layer changes a lot of code , When we want to implement different operations , Only in the corresponding xml Modify or re register new in the configuration file Bean. The objects used above are all made by Spring establish , management , assembly . that , How do the properties of these objects set their values ?

Next , Let’s explore DI(Dependency Injection, Dependency injection ).

We usually create objects in two ways : Parametric or nonparametric structures . that , So let’s test that out Spring How to implement dependency injection through a constructor .

First , modified User Entity class , To test .

package com.hooi.pojo;
public class User {
private String userName;
private String gender;
private int age;
public User() {
System.out.println(" No arguments structure ");
public User(String userName) {
System.out.println(" There are parametric structures ( One )");
this.userName = userName;
public User(String userName,String gender) {
System.out.println(" There are parametric structures ( Two )");
this.userName = userName;
this.gender = gender;
public User(String userName,String gender,int age) {
System.out.println(" There are parametric structures ( 3、 ... and )");
this.userName = userName;
this.gender = gender;
this.age = age;
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
public String getGender() {
return gender;
public void setGender(String gender) {
this.gender = gender;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
public String toString() {
return "User{" +
"userName='" + userName + '\'' +
", gender='" + gender + '\'' +
", age=" + age +

Test code :

package com.hooi.pojo;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
public class UserTest {

public void userTest(){

System.out.println("-----------> Get context ");
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("userBean.xml");
User user = (User) context.getBean("user");
System.out.println("-----------> Get objects "+user);

Spring The relevant configuration file userBean.xml

To configure 1:

<!-- Use property Assign values to member variables -->
<bean id="user" class="com.hooi.pojo.User">
<property name="userName" value="hooi"/>

test result 1: It can be seen from the test results that property Attribute dependent construction and set Method
 Insert picture description here
We will User Class without a parameter constructor. Note out , The test again , The test results are as follows : The default constructor is not found
 Insert picture description here

To configure 2:

<!-- Attribute assignment using constructor's parameter subscript -->
<bean id="user" class="com.hooi.pojo.User">
<constructor-arg index="0" value="hooi2"/>
<constructor-arg index="1" value="female"/>

test result 2:
 Insert picture description here
To configure 3:

<!-- Use the specific name of the constructor's parameters to assign values -->
<bean id="user" class="com.hooi.pojo.User">
<constructor-arg name="userName" value="hooi3"/>
<constructor-arg name="gender" value="female"/>

test result 3:
 Insert picture description here

To configure 4:

<!-- Assignment by parameter type -->
<bean id="user" class="com.hooi.pojo.User">
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="hooi4"/>
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="female"/>
<constructor-arg type="int" value="18"/>

test result 4: There are some small problems in the test , If User Class age The data type of is int, Don’t set… In the configuration file type Fill in the attribute with Interger type , There will be anomalies UnsatisfiedDependencyException.
 Insert picture description here
These are the results of separate tests , If in userBean.xml All of the above are registered at the same time in user object , When getting context ,spring All the user created .

Test code :

package com.hooi.pojo;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
public class UserTest {
public void userTest(){
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("userBean.xml");
System.out.println("-----------> Get context ");
User user = (User) context.getBean("user");
User user2 = (User) context.getBean("user2");
User user3 = (User) context.getBean("user3");
User user4 = (User) context.getBean("user4");
System.out.println("-----------> Get objects :"+user);
System.out.println("-----------> Get objects :"+user2);
System.out.println("-----------> Get objects :"+user3);
System.out.println("-----------> Get objects :"+user4);

test result :
 Insert picture description here
above , We simply tested it through the constructor 【 There are parametric structures (3 Ways of planting ) And nonparametric construction 】 How to do dependency injection . Let’s continue to explore other ways of Injection .

setter Inject : The essence is in xml Use… In the document property attribute , Through parameterless constructors and set Method For injection .setter Injection requires the injected property , Must have set Method , And set The name of the method must be canonical (set+ Property name ), In the test , All lowercase property names do not report errors , however , For the sake of code normalization , Readability and aesthetics , It is better to use uppercase for the first letter of attribute name .

p Namespace Injection : In essence, it uses setter Inject , But it simplifies the amount of code , One line of code can do

c Namespace Injection It’s essentially a constructor injection .

In the test of constructor Injection , We only tested the injection of basic data types , The following types of test references . For testing purposes , Let’s recreate an entity class .

package com.hooi.pojo;
import java.util.*;
public class Student {

private String name;// full name 
private int age;// Age 
private Address address;// Address 
private String[] books;// Favorite books 
private List<String> hobbies;// hobby 
private Set<String> skills;// specialty 
private String motto;// motto 
private Map<String,String> otherInfo;// Other information 
public Student() {

public Student(String name, int age, Address address, String[] books, List<String> hobbies, Set<String> skills, String motto, Map<String, String> otherInfo) {

this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.address = address;
this.books = books;
this.hobbies = hobbies;
this.skills = skills;
this.motto = motto;
this.otherInfo = otherInfo;
public void setName(String name) {

this.name = name;
public Student(String name, int age, Address address) {

this.name = name;
this.age = age;
this.address = address;
public void setAge(int age) {

this.age = age;
public void setAddress(Address address) {

this.address = address;
public void setBooks(String[] books) {

this.books = books;
public void setHobbies(List<String> hobbies) {

this.hobbies = hobbies;
public void setSkills(Set<String> skills) {

this.skills = skills;
public void setMotto(String motto) {

this.motto = motto;
public void setOtherInfo(Map<String, String> otherInfo) {

this.otherInfo = otherInfo;
public String toString() {

return "Student{" +
"name='" + name + '\'' +
", age=" + age +
", address=" + address +
", books=" + Arrays.toString(books) +
", hobbies=" + hobbies +
", skills=" + skills +
", motto='" + motto + '\'' +
", otherInfo=" + otherInfo +

Spring The configuration file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">
<!--1. Constructor Injection -->
<!--1.1 There are parametric structures -->
<bean id="address1" class="com.hooi.pojo.Address">
<constructor-arg name="address" value=" Chang'an campus of Xi'an University of Posts and telecommunications, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province "/>
<!--1.2 No arguments structure -->
<bean id="address2" class="com.hooi.pojo.Address">
<property name="address" value=" Yanta campus of Xi'an University of Posts and telecommunications, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province "/>
<!--2. setter Inject -->
<bean id="student" class="com.hooi.pojo.Student">
<!--2.1 Basic type injection -->
<property name="name" value="Hooi"/>
<property name="age" value="18"/>
<!--2.2 Bean Type injection -->
<property name="address" ref="address1"/>
<!--2.3 Array type injection -->
<property name="books">
<value> The little prince </value>
<value> The world lost, </value>
<value> The temple of the Golden Pavilion </value>
<value> White night line </value>
<!--2.4 list Type injection -->
<property name="hobbies">
<value> stroke a cat </value>
<value> Walk the dog </value>
<value> Play the game </value>
<!--2.5 set Type injection -->
<property name="skills">
<value>Java Programming </value>
<value> Document writing </value>
<!--2.6 null Inject -->
<property name="motto">
<!--2.7 Map Type injection -->
<property name="otherInfo">
<entry key=" Email address " value="[email protected]"/>
<entry key=" contact number " value="18888888888"/>
<!--3. P Space naming Need to import constraints xmlns:p="http://www.springframework.org/schema/p"-->
<bean id="student2" class="com.hooi.pojo.Student" p:name="Hooi2" p:address-ref="address1"/>
<!--4. C Space naming Need to import constraints xmlns:c="http://www.springframework.org/schema/c"-->
<bean id="student3" class="com.hooi.pojo.Student" c:_0="Hooi3" c:_1="3" c:_2-ref="address2"/>

Test code :

package com.hooi.pojo;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
public class StudentTest {

public void test1(){

ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
Student student = (Student) context.getBean("student");
Student student2 = (Student) context.getBean("student2");
Student student3 = (Student) context.getBean("student3");

test result : In the test c When using the namespace injection method , The corresponding injection must be made according to the input parameters of the parameter constructor , The number of injected attributes should be consistent with the number of parameters required by the corresponding parametric construction method .

 Insert picture description here

03 Annotation based injection

In addition to the above injection methods ,Spring It also provides a more convenient injection method — Annotation based injection . There are four annotations that can be used to register bean, Each annotation can be used at will , The effect is the same , But the semantics are different , To ensure the readability of the code , It is recommended to use it as follows :

  • @Component: Can be used to register all bean
  • @Repository: It is mainly used for registration dao Layer of bean
  • @Service: It is mainly used for registration service Layer of bean
  • @Controller: It is mainly used to register the control layer bean

Describe dependencies There are two main kinds of annotations : Namely @Autowired and @Resource

Spring 2.5 A note has been introduced since @Autowired, It can be used for class member variables 、 Method and constructor for annotation , Complete the work of automatic assembly . adopt @Autowired To eliminate set,get Method . however spring Of reference This approach is not advocated , Because this way it will Breaking the readability of module relationships .

@Autowired There are six properties of :

  • No: Automatic assembly is not enabled . This is also Autowired The default value of , Reference relation shows declaration .
  • byName: By the name of the attribute in IoC Find the corresponding in the container JavaBean Dependent objects and inject . The essence of this approach is to setter Inject . Such as ,UserServiceImpl Class has an attribute called userDao, So specify it Autowire The attribute is byName after ,Spring Of IoC The container looks in the configuration file for id/name The attribute is userDao Of bean, Then use the corresponding setter Inject it with .
  • byType: Find by type of property JavaBean Dependent objects and inject . This is also Autowired Default The way . Same example , such as UserController Class has an attribute called userServiceImpl, The type is UserServiceImpl, that , Designate autowire The attribute is byType after ,Spring IoC The container will look for Class The attribute is UserServiceImpl Of bean, Use Seter Method to inject . If there are more than one of these types bean, That would be DefaultListableBeanFactory Of determineAutowireCandidate Method to determine which one to inject bean, This method will first find the victim @Primary Annotated bean, Look for the quilt @Order,@PriorityOrder Annotated bean, Finally, I will use byName The way to match . If in @Autowored() Under the use of @Qualifier (“{beanName}”) annotation , When more than one match the type bean when , Not invoke determineAutowireCandidate Method , It’s a direct search for @Qualifier designated beanName To find and inject , If it can’t be found, an exception will be thrown .@Qualifier And byName The difference is that byName Need to traverse , And the former will directly locate the corresponding bean, Therefore use @Qualifier Will be more efficient . example :
public class UserController {

@Autowired// Automatic assembly 
@Qualifier("userServiceImpl")// Inject 
private UserServiceImpl userServiceImpl;
  • constructor: Same as byType equally , It is also used to find dependent objects by type . And byType The difference is that it doesn’t use Seter Way into , Instead, it uses constructors to inject . If the container does not find the same type of constructor parameter bean, So throw an exception .

  • autodetect: stay byType and constructor Between the automatic choice of injection mode . adopt bean Class introspection mechanism (introspection) To decide whether to use constructor still byType Mode for automatic assembly . If you find the default constructor , So it’s going to use byType The way , Otherwise the constructor.

  • default: Labeled by a superior default-autowire Attribute determination . Be careful : In the configuration bean when , In the label Autowire Property takes precedence over its parent tag , That is , If defined in the parent tab default-autowire The attribute is byName, It is defined as byType when ,Spring IoC The container takes precedence over tag configuration .

<beans beans default-autowire="byType"
<bean id="userDaoMysqlImpl" class="com.hooi.dao.Impl.UserDaoMysqlImpl"/>
<bean id="userServiceImpl" class="com.hooi.service.UserServiceImpl" p:userDao-ref="userDaoMysqlImpl"/>
<bean id="userController" class="com.hooi.controller.UserController" autowire="byName"/>

@Resource yes Java Annotations , Default to byName To match the injection , If byType Find more than one match bean when , Need to use @Qualifier Annotation assignment bean The specific name of .

<bean id="userDaoMysqlImpl" class="com.hooi.dao.Impl.UserDaoMysqlImpl"/>
<bean id="userServiceImpl" class="com.hooi.service.UserServiceImpl" p:userDao-ref="userDaoMysqlImpl"/>
<bean id="userController" class="com.hooi.controller.UserController" autowire="byName"/>

@Resource yes Java Annotations , Default to byName To match the injection , If byType Find more than one match bean when , Need to use @Qualifier Annotation assignment bean The specific name of .
