JavaWeb Study ( Four )—Servlet Concept /Servlet Operation process /Servlet Implementation class / Use IDEA Development Servlet
01 Servlet Concept
- Servlet yes sun Developed by the company for the development of dynamic web Technology of resources , It’s one for other Java Program (Servlet engine ) Called Java class , It can’t run independently , It runs entirely by Servlet Engine to control and schedule .
For clients many times Servlet request , Usually , The server will only create one Servlet Instance object , in other words Servlet Once the instance object is created , It will reside in memory , Serve other subsequent requests , until web Container exit ,servlet Instance object Will destroy .
stay Servlet Of Whole In the life cycle ,Servlet Of init Method Only called once . And to one Servlet Of Every access request results in Servlet Engine call once servlet Of service Method . about Every visit request ,Servlet The engine will be Create a new HttpServletRequest Request object and A new HttpServletResponse The response object , then Pass these two objects as parameters to the Servlet Of service() Method ,service Method and call respectively according to the request mode doXXX Method .
- Development trends WEB Resources need to complete two steps :
- Write a Java class , Realization Servlet Interface .IDEA2018 Version can create a servlet
- Put the developed Java Class deployment to web Server ( To configure web.xml file )
02 Servlet Operation process
Servlet The procedure is made by WEB Server calls ,web The server received… From the client Servlet After access request :
①Web The server first checks to see if the… Has been loaded and created Servlet Instance object of . If it is , Then directly execute the ④ Step , otherwise , Execution section ② Step .
② Mount and create the Servlet An instance object of .
③ call Servlet Of instance objects init() Method .
④ Create one for encapsulation HTTP Asking for information HttpServletRequest Object and a representative HTTP In response to the message HttpServletResponse object , And then call Servlet Of service() Method and pass in the request and response objects as parameters .
⑤WEB Before the application is stopped or restarted ,Servlet Engine will be uninstalled Servlet, And call before unloading. Servlet Of destroy() Method .
Web browser ————– issue http request ————————–>Web Containers
Web Containers —————— First visit create target Servlet———>Servlet
Web Containers —————— Create request and response objects —————->request,response
Web Containers ——————Servlet Method —————————->Servlet.service(req,resp)
service(req,resp) Get request information , And write the response information back to WEB Containers
Web Containers —————— issue http Respond to ————————–>Web browser
03 Servlet Implementation class
SUN The company defines two default implementation classes , Respectively :GenericServlet、 as well as HttpServlet
- HttpServlet: Able to handle HTTP request , In the original Servlet The interface has added some information about HTTP How to deal with the agreement , Than Servlet The interface is more powerful . When developing , It usually inherits this class .
HttpServlet In the realization of Servlet Interface , Overwrite the service Method , The code in the method body will automatically determine the user’s request mode , If the time is GET request , It will call doGet Method , If it is POST request , It will call doPost Method . When developing , Usually, it’s just an overlay doGet perhaps doPost One of the ways , Instead of rewriting service Method , And then in doPost perhaps doGet Call the overwritten method .
public class Test01 extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
// Override code
04 Use IDEA Development Servlet
- stay IDEA Create a new one in Web project , Create a new class or create a new one Servlet(IDEA2018 Above version support )
- Import Servlet Needed jar package : Create a new class ,IDEA It can guide packets intelligently , Create a new class , Inherit javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
public class Test01 extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet{
//alt+enter Complete the guided package
- Write code
- To configure web.xml in Servlet The mapping of mapping URL( Usually a URL For a request , By mapping class The file handles the request )
The focus is on the need for Servlet Mapped to URL Can also be used in * wildcard , But there are only two fixed formats : One format is*. Extension
, Another format is forward slash (/) Start with/*
ending .
The same Servlet Can be mapped to multiple URL On , That is many<servlet-mapping>
The setting value of the child element can be the same Servlet Registered name of .
If a Servlet The mapping path of is just a forward slash (/), So this Servlet Become the current Web Application default Servlet.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""
- start-up Tomcat The server
- Through the corresponding url Access page