JavaWeb Study ( Two )— How to be in IDEA Build in JavaWeb Application development environment
01 Get ready
Why install the server ?
Local web Resources cannot be accessed by users , whatever Web Resources want to be accessed by remote computers , Data must be sent to visitors through a corresponding network communication program , And the server is to help us complete this part of the network communication work .
Get ready :
1.1 The server :Tomcat 9
Get into stay download Bar Download Tomcat 9
Decompress after downloading
start-up Tomcat: open bin Catalog , find startup.bat, Double-click on the run .( Be careful : Operation period , Don’t turn off the console )
Open the browser , Get into localhost:8080, If you can successfully jump to Tomcat The home page shows that the installation is successful .
close Tomcat: open bin Catalog , find shutdown.bat, Double-click on the run .
1.2 IDEA:IDEA2018 edition
02 Set up the environment
1. open IDEA, Create a WEB project
2. To configure Tomcat The server