• 周六. 10 月 12th, 2024




JDBC learning (1) — JDBC concepts / JDBC related classes / how to use JDBC

King Wang

1 月 3, 2022

JDBC Study ( One )—JDBC The concept of /JDBC Related classes / How to use JDBC

01 JDBC Concept

JDBC:Java Data Base Connectivity,Java Database connection

SUN The company is trying to simplify 、 Unified operation of database , Defined a set Java Specification of operating database ( Interface ), be called JDBC.

The application program must interact with the database through the corresponding database driver .

therefore , Developers want to manipulate data , Need to pass through jdbc Load specific drivers .

02 JDBC Related classes

  • DriverManager class

    DriverManager For loading the driver , And create a link to the database .

    Common methods :

    • DriverManager.registerDriver(new Driver()); It is not recommended to use registerDriver Method registration driver . This will cause the driver to register twice , There will be two in memory Driver object ; Procedure depends on mysql Of api, Out of the mysql Of jar package , The program will not compile , In the future, it will be very troublesome for the program to switch the underlying database . Recommend ways :Class.forName(“com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”); In this way, the driver object will not appear repeatedly in memory , And in this way , The program just needs a string , No need to rely on specific drivers , Make the program more flexible .
    • DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); Get database connection
      • Be careful url The writing format of : agreement : Sub protocol : // host : port + database + Parameters
      • Common databases URL How to write the address :
        • Oracle How to write it :jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521: Data table name
        • SqlServer How to write it :jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433; DatabaseName= Data table name
        • MySql How to write it :jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ Data table name , If the connection is local Mysql database , And the port used for the connection is 3306, So url The address can be abbreviated as : jdbc:mysql:/// database

  • Connection class

    The link used to represent the database , All the interaction between the client and the database is through connection Object completed .

    Be careful :Connection object , It’s a very rare resource , Must be released immediately after use , If Connection Not in time 、 Shut down properly , It is very easy to cause system downtime

    Common methods :

    createStatement(): Create send to database sql Of statement object .
    prepareStatement(sql) : Create send precompile to database sql Of PrepareSatement object .
    prepareCall(sql): Create the... That executes the stored procedure callableStatement object .
    setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit): Set whether transactions are automatically committed .
    commit() : Commit a transaction on a link .
    rollback() : Roll back transactions on this link .

  • Statement class

    Used to send… To a database SQL sentence

    Be careful : The object needs to free resources

    Common methods :

    executeQuery(String sql) : Used to send query statements to data .
    executeUpdate(String sql): Used to send... To a database insert、update or delete sentence
    execute(String sql): Used to send arbitrary... To the database sql sentence
    addBatch(String sql) : Put more than one sql Statement in a batch .
    executeBatch(): Send a batch of sql Statement execution .

  • ResultSet class

    For encapsulation Sql Statement execution result .ResultSet Object maintains a cursor pointing to a table data row , In the beginning , The cursor is first
    Before line , call ResultSet.next() Method , You can make the cursor point to a specific row of data , Call the method to get the line
    The data of . It can be understood as an iterator .

    Be careful : The object needs to free resources

    Common methods :

    // Rolling method :
    next(): Move to next line
    Previous(): Move to previous line
    absolute(int row): Move to specified row
    beforeFirst(): Move resultSet Foremost .
    afterLast() : Move to resultSet At the back of .
    // Can pass get Get any type of data , Such as :
    getObject(int index)
    getObject(string columnName)
    getString(int index)
    getString(String columnName)

    Example :

     while (resultSet.next()){

03 How to use JDBC

  • Preparation steps

    • Download driver : By downloading the address https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/mysql/mysql-connector-java download jar package

    • guide jar package , You can refer to the article https://blog.csdn.net/yinyanyao1747/article/details/90751024 The detailed steps

    • Set up an experimental environment

      • stay mysql Create a library in , And create a data table , insert data . Here’s an example of a database :
      create database jdbcStudy character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;
      use jdbcStudy;
      create table users(
      id int primary key,
      name varchar(40),
      password varchar(40),
      email varchar(60),
      birthday date
      insert into users(id,name,password,email,birthday) values(1,'zhansan','123456','[email protected]','1980-12-04');
      insert into users(id,name,password,email,birthday) values(2,'lisi','123456','[email protected]','1981-12-04');
      insert into users(id,name,password,email,birthday) values(3,'wangwu','123456','[email protected]','1979-12-04');
  • Use JDBC

package com.hooi.demo1;
import java.sql.*;
public class JDBCTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
//step1: The load driver
//step2: Get the connection
String username ="root";
String passwd = "123456";
String url ="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jdbcstudy";
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, passwd);
//step3: Get to send... To the database sql Of the statement statement object
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
//step4: use string packing sql sentence
String sql ="select id,name,password,email FROM users";
//step5: perform sql sentence
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql);
//step6: Get execution results
while (resultSet.next()){
//step7: Release resources , Close the connection
