DOS How to open the command window ?
The start menu —–> function ——-> Input cmd——-> enter 【 The default Open Black command window 】
common DOS command ?
- exit Exit the current command window
- cls Clear the screen
- DOS How to copy the contents of the window :
stay DOS Anywhere in the window , Right click , Then select the tag ,
Next, select what you want to copy , stay DOS Right click anywhere in the window , The copied content is already on the cutting board . Paste where you need it . - dir List all the sub files in the current directory / subdirectories
- cd Express :change directory【 Change the directory 】
cd Use of commands :cd Path to directory
Path is divided into absolute path and relative path :
Absolute path : Indicates the path from the drive letter of a disk as the starting point
Relative paths : Indicates the path from the current path as the starting point - cd … Go back to the parent directory
- cd \ Go straight back to the root
- Toggle character
c: enter
d: enter
e: enter
f: enter
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