Common commands
Find image :docker search Mirror name
Pull the mirror image :docker pull Mirror name
start-up docker service :sudo service docker start
see docker state :systemctl status docker
Start the mirror :docker run Mirror name
Enter the running container :docker exec -it Container name
View the currently running container :docker ps
See the last container created :docker ps -l
List all containers ID:docker ps -aq
See all running or not running containers :docker ps -a
Add :docker container ls -l/all
A container that stops running :docker stop Containers id/name
Restart terminated container :docker start Containers id
Restart the running container :docker restart Containers id
Delete docker In the container :docker rm Containers id
Delete docker All the containers in :docker rm ‘docker ps -a -q’ -f
Remove the data volume while deleting the container :docker rm -v Containers id
See what images there are :docker images
Delete docker In the mirror :docker rmi Mirror image id
Delete docker All the images in :docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Delete the container first , Delete the image again
See mapping container mapping port :docker port Containers id/name
Check the standard output inside the container :docker logs Containers id/name
View the standard output of the real-time log inside the container :docker logs -f Containers id/name
View the processes running inside the container :docker top Container name
Mark image :docker tag Mirror name The new mirror name of the tag
restart docker: service docker restart
Submit image :docker push Mirror name or : docker push Mirror name : Tag name notes : The image name must be docker account number / Mirror name : Tag name , If there is no tag name default latest, You can also add a tag name when you submit
Export container :docker export Containers id > file name ( Export container snapshot to local file )
Import container :docker import – Snapshot filename …
Creating a data volume :docker volume create Data volume name
View all data volumes :docker volume ls
View the specified data volume information :docker volume inspect Data volume name
View container information :docker inspect Container name data volume information in its “Mounts”Key below
Delete data volume :docker volume rm Data volume name ( Before deleting a data volume, you need to delete the container using the data volume )
Delete a data volume that has no master :docker volume prune
Docker Submission of orders
docker commit -m “update” -a=”root” a6e80297382e root/ubuntu:update
-m: Description information submitted
-a: Specify mirror author
a6e80297382e: Containers ID
root/ubuntu: Specify the directory image name to create
:update: Specify the image label name
Docker Run the command
docker run -i -t ubuntu:15.10 /bin/bash
-t: Specify a pseudo terminal or terminal in the new container .
-i: Allows you to enter standard input into the container (STDIN) Interact .
docker run -d -P training/webapp python
-d: Let the container run in the background
-P: Map the network ports used inside the container to the hosts we use .
Docker Run command details
docker run -dit –privileged -p21:21 -p80:80 -p8080:8080 -p30000-30010:30000-30010 –name how2jtmall how2j/tmall:latest /usr/sbin/init
docker run Running an image
-dit yes -d -i -t Abbreviation . -d , Express detach, Running in the background . -i Means to provide an interactive interface , In this way, we can pass docker and Running operating system interaction . -t To provide a tty ( Pseudo terminal ), And -i Cooperation can be achieved through ssh Tools connected to There’s something going on in this container
–privileged When starting the container , Take the authority in . In this way, the complete operation can be carried out in the container
-p21:21 first 21, It means that CentOS Open up 21 port . the second 21 Open in a container 21 port . So when the access CentOS Of 21 Port time , It’s going to indirectly access the container
-p80:80 and 21 A truth
-p8080:8080 and 21 A truth , In this case , The address of the visit is, This yes CentOS Of ip Address ,8080 yes CentOS The port of , But by -p8080:8080 Such a mapping , Just visit the… In the container 8080 On port tomcat 了
-p30000-30010 and 21 It’s the same thing , This is ftp Used to transmit data
–name how2jtmall Gave the container a name , be called how2jtmall, Convenient for follow-up management
how2j/tmall:latest how2j/tmall It’s the name of the image , latest It’s the version number , The latest version
/usr/sbin/init: Represents a program that runs after startup , This command is used for initialization
Create container process
When using docker run To create the container ,Docker Standard operations running in the background include :
Checks if the specified image exists locally , Download from the public repository if it does not exist
Create and start a container using an image
Assign a file system , And mount a read-write layer outside the read-only mirror layer
Bridges a virtual interface from the bridge interface configured in the host host to the container
Configure one from the address pool ip Address to container
Execute the application specified by the user
The container is terminated after execution
An automated build :
stay Docker Hub Choose a warehouse , stay Builds Tab Configure Automated Builds;
Select a project in the target website ( Need to include Dockerfile) And branches
Appoint Dockerfile The location of , And save it .
After that, you can go to Docker Hub Of the warehouse page Timeline Tab to see the status of each build .
Data management
Data volume
Data volume concept
A data volume is a special directory that can be used by one or more containers , It bypasses UFS, There are many useful features available :
Data volumes can be Shared and reused between containers
Yes Changes to the data volume will take effect immediately
Yes Update of data volume , It doesn’t affect the mirror image
The data volume will always exist by default , Even if the container is deleted
Be careful : The use of data volumes , Be similar to Linux Proceed to the directory or file below mount, Files in the directory specified as the mount point in the mirror are hidden , It can display the attached data volume .
When we run a container ( If you don’t use a roll ), Any file changes made will not be recorded in the container storage layer .
Start data volume
docker run -d -P –name web –mount source=my-vol,target=/webapp training/webapp python
-d: Let the container run in the background
-P: Map the network ports used inside the container to the hosts we use .
–name: Create the name of the container
source: Specify the data volume name
target: Specify which directory to mount in the container
training/webapp: Mirror name
python Container name
Use –mount Tags mount data volumes to containers .
Create a file called web The container of , And load a data volume into the container /webapp Catalog
Delete data volume
Data volumes are designed to persist data , Its lifecycle is independent of the container ,Docker The data volume will not be automatically deleted after the container is deleted , And there’s no garbage collection mechanism to deal with data volumes that don’t have any container references . If you need to remove the data volume while deleting the container . Can be used when removing containers
docker rm -v
This command . -
Delete data volume :docker volume rm Data volume name ( Before deleting a data volume, you need to delete the container using the data volume )
Delete a data volume that has no master :docker volume prune
Mount the host directory
Mount host directory as data volume
docker run -d -P –name web –mount type=bind,source=/home/docker,target=/opt/webapp training/webapp python
-d: Let the container run in the background
-P: Map the network ports used inside the container to the hosts we use .
–name: Create the name of the container
source: Specify the local directory , It has to be an absolute path , Use –mount when , If the local directory does not exist Docker Will report a mistake
Use -v when , If the local directory does not exist Docker A folder will be created automatically
target: Specify which directory to mount in the container
training/webapp: Mirror name
python Container name
Read only permission
Docker The default permission to mount the host directory is : Reading and writing , Can increase readonly Designated as : read-only
docker run -d -P –name web –mount type=bind,source=/home/docker,target=/opt/webapp,readonly training/webapp python
-d: Let the container run in the background
-P: Map the network ports used inside the container to the hosts we use .
–name: Create the name of the container
source: Specify the local directory , It has to be an absolute path , Use –mount when , If the local directory does not exist Docker Will report a mistake
Use -v when , If the local directory does not exist Docker A folder will be created automatically
target: Specify which directory to mount in the container
readonly: Set the mount directory permission to read-only
training/webapp: Mirror name
python Container name
Mount the local file as a data volume
docker run –rm -it –mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.bash_history,target=/root/.bash_history training/webapp bash
–rm: The container automatically cleans up the file system inside the container when it exits
-it: Run in interactive mode , Assign a pseudo input terminal
source: Specify the local directory , It has to be an absolute path , Use –mount when , If the local directory does not exist Docker Will report a mistake
Use -v when , If the local directory does not exist Docker A folder will be created automatically
target: Specify which directory to mount in the container
training/webapp: Mirror name
bash: Container name
function history, You can view the commands recorded in the container ( History command of host )
The Internet
Use the Internet
External access container
docker run -d -P training/webapp python
-d: Let the container run in the background
-P: Map the network ports used inside the container to the hosts we use .
At this time to use -P When the tag Docker It’s going to map one at random 49000~49900 Port to the internal container open network port
-P You can specify the port to map , also , Only one container can be bound on a specified port . The supported formats are ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containerPort.
Map all interface addresses
Use hostPort:containerPort
Format local 5000 The port maps to the container 5000 port , It can be executed
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 training/webapp python
All addresses on all local interfaces will be bound by default .
Maps to the specified port of the specified address
have access to ip:hostPort:containerPort
The format specifies that the map USES a specific address , such as localhost Address
$ docker run -d -p training/webapp python
Maps to any port at the specified address
Use ip::containerPort
binding localhost Of any port to the container 5000 port , The local host will automatically assign a port .
$ docker run -d -p training/webapp python
You can also use udp
Tag to specify udp
$ docker run -d -p training/webapp python
To configure DNS
Configure… For all containers DNS , It can also be in /etc/docker/daemon.json
Add the following to the file to set .
"dns" : [
This mechanism allows the host to DNS When the information is updated , all Docker Container of DNS Configuration through /etc/resolv.conf
The document is updated immediately , Container for each startup DNS Automatically configured to